Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Eating Issues

As of last week, Truman's feeding therapist and behaviorial psychologist (who sees Truman for eating issues) have restricted Truman to purees and dissolvable solids (like Gerber puffs and Veggie sticks). He is to have absolutely no other solids, and no table foods in particular. Once we've achieved some decent measurable time without vomit, we'll start introducing other foods slowly again. The idea is to eliminate Truman's texture-induced vomits while we work on the behaviorial vomits. So far, the plan has been a miserable failure as Truman has vomited almost every day (sometimes multiple times in a row) anyway. And, as soon as he learned how to ask for other foods by signing, we stop responding to his signs. That's got to work wonders for his psyche. They also added a monitored parent-feeding session, which he starts this Thursday. That brings Truman's count up to 5 sessions of therapy a week, with the ocassional 6 sessions when he has his once-a-month physical therapy consult.

This afternoon, Truman has a weight check at the pediatrician. We were given a month to see if the appetite stimulant had any effect. If it did not have significant effect--which it didn't--we were told that we would be referred to a GI specialist at Children's Hospital for tests. All the stimulant seemed to do was make him sleepier and hungrier, but the hunger didn't translate into additional food volume.

We need lots of luck this afternoon. Maybe Truman will amaze us after all and break the scales, but we're not holding our breath.

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