Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Something's Up

To balance my last post, I have to report that something very positive is happening with Truman and speech over the last few weeks. It's not so much that he is really talking or even added more than a few words (which is in and of itself huge for Truman), but he's adding appropriate sounds like "pah" for park (which I count as a word) and "lew" when he signs "I Love You." Even his speech therapist is noticing.

I don't how to explain what's really going on because it probably wouldn't seem like much to others, but those whose children have speech disorders probably understand. Truman even brought Ben the phone the other day and insisted "Baba" (which is what he calls me). Ben dialed it, and I answered the phone to an actual "Hiiiiii" on the other end. That's all he said, but it was so sweet.

We've been working really hard with picture cards and more signing and switched to DHA-enhanced milk. We don't know what's working, but I am so excited about him starting the speech disorder program next week because I feel like he is a place where he is very receptive to language expansion right now.


Kerri & Jason said...

yeah for Truman!! Love the pictures on the jungle gym : ). That determination definitely got him to where he is today!

abby said...

Yay, Truman! I know what you mean when we get excited about little stuff and other parents of typical kids look at us like we're nuts and notice no changes. But I think we're just a whole lot more sensitive to developmental milestones and tend to never take anything for granted. All in all, this is a good thing.

Again, congratulations on all the hard work, Truman!