Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Parents Day Out Meeting

I went to Truman's Parent's Day Out orientation meeting this morning and got to meet his teachers and some of the other parents from his class. I think the teachers are feeling a little better about the eating issues now that they know Truman won't be hurt by the other kids' food or choke and quit breathing. They may just have a big mess to deal with, and Truman will lose precious calories. Interestingly, the thing that seemed most concerning to them was the lack of drinking and that he might go the whole time without drinking.

It turns out as well that Truman will have a classmate who, due to an earlier open heart surgery and resulting NG tube, also has eating challenges and is a mostly-puree girl. I met her mom, and we both are very glad to know our kids will not be alone in sending their own snacks, drinks, and having to leave during mealtime. Like Truman, her daughter can't drink the clear liquids they have during snack without choking and can't waste the calories on their measly 2% milk. And she, like Truman, has a strong gag reflex and throws up a lot of foods. And she, like Truman, can't waste time on low-cal, high-water foods like peas and applesauce. Ah, kinship!

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