Monday, June 1, 2009

Big Setbacks in Eating

No, no ... anything but food!!

Truman has had two different illnesses within a span of about four weeks. The first one was accompanied by a really sore throat. The second was a stomach bug with nausea (in addition to his regular vomiting). As a result, he has resorted to almost a liquid diet again. We can't get any solids (even the easy stuff like yogurt) in him with a giant struggle and a giant puke.
It doesn't help that during this process, Truman finally acquired the skill of drinking a bottle by himself. While this skill has given us the freedom to take him to a restaurant and allow him to drink his own dinner, it came at a very inopportune time because now that he's better and can handle solids again, he doesn't want any part of them.
Will this eating saga never end? We just want normalcy, even if for just a day or two.

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