Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Toddler drama

I had the vacuum cleaner out to change the belt when Truman decided to try to help first by trying to plug in the vacuum cleaner and then trying to stick the screwdriver I was using in the same electrical outlet. Well, being scolded about plugging in actual electrical cords and then having the screwdriver taken away was too much. He did the usual gulping in of air preparing to let forth a scream of protest, but ... the scream didn't come. About the time Ben and I commented that it was going to be a doozy of a scream since the build-up was so long, he began to teeter and then over he went. By the time we realized he fainted, he was awake. I think he scared himself and, of course, he vomited in the minutes following. But that's nothing new.

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