Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Can't we be done with this?

We're back on a very bad run in the meal department. Truman is back to refusing to eat at almost every meal and throwing up multiple times in a day. Bleh! We started a new group feeding therapy program at Callier last Friday, but the first day was orientation. They really get started this Friday. Maybe they are finally the ones to work miracles. Heaven knows all three of us are really tired of this.

1 comment:

abby said...

Hugs. Though we have fewer than no words of wisdom. Hallie is in a refusal place herself (and has been since May, but it's getting worse--she's gone from six or seven foods to one or fewer and a lot of crying over meals, fighting, etc). I wish I knew what the answer was but I have zero insight. If you ever figure it out, please let us know.